Cleaner AirWaterFoodProducts


Imagine… Less Cancer. Fewer children with learning disabilities and asthma. Immune systems that can cope with infections like COVID-19. Imagine making homemade bread, the most basic and traditional of recipes, without worrying about a list of hidden concerns.

Imagine how much healthier we could all be if we had a government that was dedicated to protecting everyone’s health, including protecting all of us from toxic chemicals—drinking water without lead or PFAS, air without particulates pollution, food and products free of BPA, phthalates and flame retardants.

Clean air, water, food and products are human health rights, not an expensive shopping list.

The organizations on the Recipes for Health website are all working for everyone’s right to a healthy environment and safe food and products. On November 3, we need to elect leaders who take these rights – and their responsibility for prioritizing the health of all of us – seriously.

It’s a two-part recipe: grassroots action and the election of women and men who share the vision of a healthier, less toxic future for everyone.

Your support of these organizations and your vote in the November election are both necessary ingredients in the recipe for healthier lives.

What a year this has been. 2020 took a sharp turn early on and it’s been hard ever since. Unbelievably hard. Cruel even. This will be a year that none of us and none of our parents or children ever forget.

What stories will we tell about 2020?  Stories of illness and death and job and business loss. But also, stories of courage, generosity and resistance.

While much of America has banded together in safety and solidarity, our leaders at the highest level have completely let us down.

They have placed value on billionaires and large corporations over working families.

They ignored the science, the hard facts; and those things impacted our health, our jobs, our children’s educations.

And not only that, they have actively worked to undo or refuse to properly implement hundreds of rules that have protected our country for decades, including the Clean Water Rule, the emissions rules for power plants and vehicles, the Chemical Disaster Rule and the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

Now, more than any other time in our lives, we have a heightened awareness of what happens when the government doesn’t protect us. And now, more than ever, we need elected officials who know their job is to protect us and to work with all the Recipes for Health organizations that are cooking up change, along with all of our allies, for a healthier, less toxic future.

Organizations Cooking Up Change

BlueGreen Alliance

The BlueGreen Alliance (BGA) unites America’s largest labor unions and its most influential environmental organizations to solve today’s environmental challenges in ways that create and maintain quality jobs and build a stronger, fairer economy.

BGA’s recent report Less Exposure And More Protection: What We Can Do Now To Protect More Black And Brown Workers’ Lives, BGA’s Safe Jobs Checklist and give workers the information they can use to keep themselves safe.

Coming Clean

For the past 20 years, Coming Clean has brought together a coalition of environmental health and justice organizations to advocate around common causes and win better protection of public health. Currently representing 175 organizational members, together our network demands immediate action and systemic changes to ensure the safety of communities, farms, food, consumer goods, facilities, and the chemicals we are exposed to every day.

Our ‘recipe’ combines various types of expertise – from grassroots organizing to scientific, legal, or technical knowledge – to collaboratively build campaigns from the bottom up, grounded in grassroots priorities. Through building equitable relationships, facilitating principled collaboration between members, and holding each other accountable to winning tangible benefits that leave no one behind, our network is able to advocate for systemic solutions, bigger than any of us could win alone.


The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) protects people from toxic chemicals by working with communities, consumers, workers, government, and the private sector to demand and support business practices that are safe for public health and the environment. Our air, water, food, and consumer products should be free of dangerous and untested chemicals.

To protect the health of all people, we must address the disproportionate health effects of toxic chemicals caused by systemic racism and other social injustices. The movement to eliminate dangerous chemicals must move forward in partnership with Environmental Justice, Reproductive Justice, and other related movements working to address the pressing social justice issues of our day.

To learn more and to get involved, visit us at

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