Cleaner AirWaterFoodProducts
Imagine… Less Cancer. Fewer children with learning disabilities and asthma. Immune systems that can cope with infections like COVID-19. Imagine making homemade bread, the most basic and traditional of recipes, without worrying about a list of hidden concerns.
Imagine how much healthier we could all be if we had a government that was dedicated to protecting everyone’s health, including protecting all of us from toxic chemicals—drinking water without lead or PFAS, air without particulates pollution, food and products free of BPA, phthalates and flame retardants.
Clean air, water, food and products are human health rights, not an expensive shopping list.
The organizations on the Recipes for Health website are all working for everyone’s right to a healthy environment and safe food and products. On November 3, we need to elect leaders who take these rights – and their responsibility for prioritizing the health of all of us – seriously.
It’s a two-part recipe: grassroots action and the election of women and men who share the vision of a healthier, less toxic future for everyone.
Your support of these organizations and your vote in the November election are both necessary ingredients in the recipe for healthier lives.
Organizations Cooking Up Change
Safer States is a network of diverse environmental health coalitions and organizations in states around the country that share a bold and urgent vision of healthy, resilient communities.
Safer States works in partnership with Toxic-Free Future, Safer Chemicals Healthy Families and Mind the Store toeliminate our toxic PFAS contamination problem as well educate consumers about its use in nonstick products.
For more than 20 years, the goal of the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health (CCCEH) has been to identify toxic contaminants and harmful pollutants that compromise the health and brain development of young children. In addition to measuring prenatal and post-natal exposures to environmental chemicals and air pollutants, we assess psychosocial stress and evaluate the effects of climate change as co-exposures that adversely affect child health. Our findings include increased risk of asthma, cognitive and behavioral disorders, and obesity related to these toxic exposures. Our partnerships with non-profit groups in Northern Manhattan, the South Bronx and New York City and our educational and media outreach activities ensure that we effectively communicate our findings to parents, the community and to policymakers in order to protect children’s health.
The BlueGreen Alliance (BGA) unites America’s largest labor unions and its most influential environmental organizations to solve today’s environmental challenges in ways that create and maintain quality jobs and build a stronger, fairer economy.
BGA’s recent report Less Exposure And More Protection: What We Can Do Now To Protect More Black And Brown Workers’ Lives, BGA’s Safe Jobs Checklist and give workers the information they can use to keep themselves safe.
Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) is a feminist, women-led environmental health organization focused on ‘cleaning up’ the products that are predominantly marketed to women – making them safer for our bodies and planet by holding corporations accountable, passing laws, and providing people with the tools they need to get involved in the environmental health movement. Our recipe for health is rooted in our core values:
People Matter: We build and maintain relationships that collectively make us stronger. We ensure women have the support they need to be effective leaders.
Equity & Power-Sharing: Women and other under-represented people are essential to making change and must be part of making decisions and crafting solutions.
Meaningful Change: We commit to bringing about changes to improve women’s health through relentless investigation and action. We base our work on strong science and a precautionary approach to production and consumption.
Visionary: We challenge traditional ways of thinking and operating – centering women’s rights and power – with courage, optimism, humor, and action.